Active retirement assn. (D.O.A.R.A.) Friday afternoons (01622)736272.
Downswood badminton club. Mon. & Thurs. Evenings (01622) 861966.
Downswood short mat bowls. Mon. & Wed. Afternoons 0777 128 1 579.
East Sutton community youth theatre. Sat. Mornings 0788 579 0781.
Kent Karate. Friday evenings 0776 378 0006.
Kent school of bridge. Tuesday afternoon (01622) 755852.
Kidz Kung Fu. Monday to Wednesday afternoons 0771 461 3002.
Pilates. Tuesday evenings (01622) 738373.
Willow Rise pre-school. Weekday mornings 0785 783 5063.
Downswood Parish Council meetings (First Tuesday every month) (01622) 717466.
Debbie’s Dance Group 0772 921 3817.
The centre can also be hired by the general public, (subject to conditions & availability).
Please contact the booking secretary: 0771 563 2684.
Downswood community centre management: 0770 815 0613.